Hi all,
it is time to reunite in terms of floorball!
I just received a confirmation that we have a new reservation in Iskeri (Rehtorinpellonkatu 4, Turku, Finland; above the pub Proffan Kellari) on the following time:
Thursday 10.00-10.55
- first game this week, 25th!
- on Helatorstai 9th May Iskeri is closed.
- the last date is 30th May.
- Don't know the costs yet, but it is not very expensive when we share the costs among those who play.
The door code to Iskeri is: 20711#
- We most likely need to set-up and remove the floorball rink each time, but this doesn't take more than a few minutes, if all of us join in.
I guess some of us are pro and others semi-pro. Usually we have played using senior/friendly rules, so that everyone can have fun. The main idea is to have some exercise in good company! :- )
After the games, we can have lunch together (probably depending on the outcome of the game)!
Did I forget something or someone from this list? Please add people to this list.
See you on Thursday!!
tämä oli lähetetty 6 ÅA henkilölle ja 2 uudelle TY, eli jos tästä porukasta muutama saadaan mukaan niin varmaan pelit pyörii kyllä torstaisinkin. Itse meinasin kyl käydä, koska ei mulla työpäivän aikana parempaakaa tekemistä o.
Voitteko lisätä torstaivuorot myös tähän nimenhuutoon?
Eero ei taida olla tässä listassa. Lähetän hälle jonkun viestin et miten tämä hoidetaan
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